Short film "EGOlatra"

She felt that the time went by and it was stealing her hours. Fled his innermost self, trying to forget the mistakes. People often feel guilty about things they haven´t done. Our dreams have things that the mind wants to forget.

Locked in her bubble, Eva goes in search of eternal youth trying to find someone to tell her story.

Ella sentía que el tiempo pasaba y le robaba las horas. Su yo más interno huía, intentando olvidar los errores. Muchas veces las personas se sienten culpables de cosas que no han hecho. Nuestros sueños cuentan cosas que la mente quiere olvidar.

Encerrada en su burbuja, Eva sale en la búsqueda de la eterna juventud intentando encontrar a alguien a quien contar su historia.

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